Harmonising Punchbhuthas

Despite having a rich heritage, we as a nation have not shown Self-conhdence and have done kukarma clue to pragyaparadha by blindly following the colonisers and the West In general after our independence. We have grossly disturbed the cosmic order of the bhutas due to wrong po icies. There is no doubt about It that the colonisers had destroyed our Infrastructure and education system and sucked out India's wealth. The country needed to be rebuilt and restructured according to the need of those miserable times. There was an urgent need to revive our own traditional values, administrative system and work towards education, hygiene, revival of our own agriculture techniques, medical systems and environmental oriented Vedic tradition. 

The wrong policies destroyed the natural anatomy of the nation and many huge blockades were created in the circulatory system of our land. Nobody cared about the air, water and earth and rivers were slowly turned into drainages. It would have been possible by making smaller barrages on rivers to make electricity and distribute It well a I over the nation. Instead, the huge dams were built causing great haemorrhages and strokes to the national health. If we want to treat our sick nation which Is In ICU at the moment, we first of all have to revive Its water bodies, make strict laws for construction on the banks and give their lost space back In each side of each water body. We must revive the talabs where the lotuses used to bloom. Policies hitting at the marmasthala of the water bodies should be Immediately reverted back. Tehri dam is 3 biggest example and 2013 flood was a warning from the Himalayas.  

Cleaning the lungs of Bharat Mata Is another urgent need. Policies are made and not executed due to corruption. We need to stop the sale of the farm land to private builders. And If we really want to save our nation, we have to legally Impose the population control. 

It Is ridiculous to chant the slogan of Bharat Mata kl jal when Its Inhabitants are constantly doing criminal acts on It and land mafias are destroying It In an organised manner. If we love our nation, we must start acting NOW and at a war scale. That Is the only way to lessen the effect of pest karma and build our future on this beautiful peninsula of ours.

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