How can we set a winning mindset

 The one of the most important things in succeeding in life and work is having a winning attitude, a winning mindset now I will tell you about two different types of mindset that people have so on the one hand some people have what's  called a growth mindset so these people believe in their own ability to learn grow and develop. So whether it's a physical skill such as a sport or a mental skill such as a learning a language or picking  up a technique at work for example they believe that they can get better through effort and persistence and guidance so whether it's something that they are already good at they believe they could get excellent  or may be even exceptional at it or if it's something that's not good for them they believe that by working at it they can make t less of weakness .

So people with a growth mindset on the other hand we have people with what i call a gifts mindsets so these people believe they have only limited fixed gifts or talents so they believe they have only limited fixed gifts or talents so they may believe their house on strengths so they may thing like oh I have always been a natural or giving presentation or I  have always been good with numbers and spreadsheet but I also believe that they have certain weakness as well so they may say I have  always gad a temper I am just not very good  holding back when I have got something to say or I am just not very good at customers actually I'd much rather deal with colleagues now the problem with having this fixed gift mindset is that it traps them now most people don't believe that they are in this gift mindset  because they don't really believe that they can learn or  they believe that their skills are fixed set in stone 

which means that when they tackle new challenges new topics to learn at work or in life actually hindering themselves because they don't believe they can get any better so my advice to all of my clients is to think about some skills which they once weren't very good at and now and are better out so the idea is if you once were in the gift mindset you can move further along into being into the growth mindset if you are already in the growth mindset hen it pushes you further along it makes you deep deeply into that growth mindset which will help you to learn and grow so take a skill just think back to something which you weren't very good at and again it could be a physical skill a mental skill anything you can something that you but it's something that you are better at now and then and just write a dew paragraphs about how you got better at it so what tactics did you use did you read it from the books did you listen to people do you go on a course did you watch online videos are you a kind of person who does a little bit of work every day or do you much prefer to do one huge burst activity on sunday afternoon, Do you prefer to do something and learn from mistakes well whatever  works for you is the whole point of this exercise it's about identifying the tactics and technique which will help you to grow .

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