Tips to increase the brain power

We humans have one distinct inherent problem, and that is the limited capacity to reason explore and retain knowledge. This is because the human brain will not grown any larger than the size it is today.The human head grows from the time we are born until we are adults. when we have developed into a fully grown adult. we stop growing all together, and this is where our problem lies, because beyond this limit.the brain cannot grow within the head as the space available is limited. it estimated that there are anything between 86 to 100 billions neurons in an average human brain and whatever we do we are curtailed within this limit. We may look back and think that the huamn race has helped in the technological development of the world since time immemorial, but this has a limit and at some time in the future we may become stagnant, once we use all the neurons inside ourbrains. When that day comes is anybody's guess, but until then we could endeavor to increase the power of our brain so that we make optimum performance of it.

We do not use all the neurons in our brain during our lifetime and some of it is either dormant or un-used and left in hibernation or hidden in the dark recesses of our is believed that we use just 10% of our brain on daily basis, although this is also strongly believed to be a myth.

    #1)  TAKE REST

                   Take adequate rest and rejuvenate the body and brain, because a tired body makes a tired brain.


                    Seek information on at least one unknown subject a day. this is something new to learn everyday.


                     Eat healthy food that help boost your energy levels to keep you up and active 


                   Never  be a couched potato. get up and excercise regularly


                    Think positively and never dwell on the past,live as lively and in the present as possible.

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