When we were alone This three things will Happen

The luxury of being able to spend time alone is becoming rare, We live in a world where we are constantly being exposed  to other people whether it's in person over the the phone or online we are constantly in touch with the people 

In our world and in lots of ways this is a great thing being connected to our tribe is fundamental human need for many people we need to know that we have community around us in order to feel safe  loved and supported  but when we do this continuously we we can actually forget how to be without the influence of other people the problem is in the  needing the others to be happy needing others to fill a missing piece there are no missing pieces though when you learn to love your own company that is why learning to love  your own company is so important the goal is to get to the point where you just as happy alone as you are with others you can be around the people and enjoy their company and you  can be alone and enjoy your company  when you learn to love your own company these Three things will happen

1)   Your  mind will clear

                       If your mind is anything like most people it is in constant state of chatter.Sometimes it can feel like a jungle in there. When we take time to be alone...We give ourselves the opportunity to clear out a lot of that mental chatter and tune into our inner voice, our intution from this place we can make better decisions and over all achieve a much greater sense of peace and clarity....Give yourself that time.

2)    You will remember what you love 

                        When you spend time alone without the influence of other people you are able to reconnect to things that you love and make you happy. This will something creative like painting or drawing, or even a hobby you love that you can't do with other people. Indulging in your creativity without the influence of others is a beautiful way to connect yourself. When you were alone you get to choose... when you get to choose you can choose only the things that light you up,the things you truly love to do...and in doing more of the things you love to do your quality of life will improve as well

3) You will feel at peace 

                 You will feel at peace because you will begin to understand, you do not need another to complete you. you do not need another for your happiness, You do not need another for your joy, For anything to do with how you feel . When you spend time alone,you gave yourself a great gift to you.........

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