Science behind " AUM" chanting

These three sounds. If you alter them different things are happening in the body. These three sounds are the the only three sounds that exist in the system naturally. These three sounds are capable of touching all the 72,000 Nadis because every sound activates a certain dimensions of your energy system.These are three fundamental processing in creation! So many things about you will change.

These three sounds are the only three sounds that the human system is capable of other sounds are the only a mixture of this. If you remove the tongue or if you just keep it still and not move it you will see the only three sounds that you can alter are  A . U and  M  The only three sounds that you can make without the tongue. The tongue is being used to mix these three sounds and produce all the manifestations of sounds mixing them in permutations and combinations you can produce millions of sounds. So these three sounds are known as the basic sounds. they are the fundamental sound in the existence.

The whole existence is reverberation!!. This is modern science it's vibration of energy, Where there is vibration, there is bound to be a sound, where there is sound there is creation. So all these sounds are the  a manifestation of these three sounds. these three are the root sounds! Like today we know that if you take a color television there are only three colors webs, using this three color webs we can produce every other color. Similarly using these three sounds we can produce every other sound. Everything is A...  A..... A.... because  A is the  basic sound and it is not in one language, Across the world everywhere sound  A is the basic sound. so these three sounds if you alter them there're different things happening in the body. These three sounds are the only three sounds that exists in the system naturally. all other sound you can produce by mixing. If you alter these three sounds, carefully if you sit in certain way and alter these three sounds. You will notice If you alter  A  it carries the reverberation right across the body. It starts just about three fourths of an inch below the navel and takes it right through the body because this is the only place in the energy system. As there's a physical body there is an energy body. This energy body comprises of  72000 nadis. 

These 72000 nadis meet only at one place that is just energy behind the navel. So this is the main center in the body,this is known as MANIPURI in the yoga . These is the maintenance center even when from your mothers womb.Your maintenance pipe was  connected right here. So this the sound A if you say A it spread right across the body. These sounds have also been identified  or described to different form of divinity.

These are three fundamental processing in creation the sound  A is concerned with maintenance  people who are seeking well being start off with A ..... There are yogis who simply sit here and do 'MMMM' and nothing else they are not interested in that. they just interested in destroying the limitations of who they are nothing else, so nadies themself carry the reverberations if you alter 'U' the sound will spread in a certain way, If you alter 'M' they spread in different way.

these three sounds are capable of touching all the 72000 nadis. for every sound . we can make conscious as to which part of the body touches because every sound activates a certain dimensions of your energy system. so these three sounds together, as a combination activates the whole system. so these three  sounds together as a combination activates the whole system because these are the three fundamental sounds. all other sounds are manifestation.

Some very fabulous experiments on the laboratory level have been done these days on. how these three sounds can actually produce every other sound. Three instrument . producing these three sound are the instruments that mix these sounds. just like your tongue is doing,. it produce every other sounds. Sounds are creating not only emotions. They are also changing the very chemistry of your system. so what kind of sounds you are exposed to does various things to you. or what kind of sounds you are generating also does various things to you........

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