How can be a good speaker and listener

Have you ever admired those successful people who seem to "Have it all"? They are the ones with the best jobs, the nicest spouse, the finest friends and the biggest bank accounts.But wait a minute. A lot of them are not smarter than you.They are not more educated than you. They are not even more muscular or better looking. What it boils down to is their more skillful way of dealing with fellow human beings.and whether it's landing the job, winning the promotion or charming a new partner, other people are your greatest resource. The internet has been touted as the ultimate tool for bringing people together.  Today i will be sharing five technique from some great books on communication skills. How to talk to anyone?.

                    You don't want to be walking around with a constant smile on your face. Great communicators know their smile is one of their most powerful weapons, so they have fine tuned it for maximum impact. When their smile does emerge, it has more potency and the world smiles with them. Don't flash an immediate smile when you greet someone. Instead, look  at the other persons face for  a second. Pause, soak in their personal Then let a big warm, responsive smile flood over your face and overflow into your eyes. The split second delay convinces people your smile is genuine and only for them.

                          The most people in the western culture   profound eye contact signals trusts, knowledge and confidence. The trick here is to pretend your eyes are glued to your conversation partner.You don't break contact even after he or she has finished speaking. and when you must look away,  do it ever so slowly and reluctantly.


              They never put their hands on their faces.They don't loosen their collar when it's hot. They put up with discomfort, because they know fidgeting undermines their credibility. Consider the infamous presidential debate between Richard Nixon and john Kennedy. The speculation is that Nixon's fidgeting and rubbing his brow on camera lost him the election.If you want to come across the credible, try to limit all unnecessary movement when your communication counts.let your nose itch, your ear tingle , and keep your hands away from your face.


                  You know in tennis how the ball is going back and forth over the net? Likewise in conversation , the conversational ball goes back and forth. First you speak , then your partner speaks, then you speak, and so on. Now what if the ball lands on your court and its your turn to speak , but your mind goes blank?. Don't panic, just repeat or "parrot" the last two or  three words your companion said, in a sympathetic, questing tone. that throws the conversational ball right back in your partners court.


            A whatzit can help you solve the problem. What is a Whatzit?... Its  some thing you wear or carry that is unusual . A strange tie, a unique pin, an interesting purse or an amusing hat. Its sany object that draws people's attention.So whenever you go to a gathering, wear something unique to give people an excuse to approach you.  

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