Our own Time that has something to say with you

Most of us are worried about the abandonment of having to give up or do not have time to do many things that we wanted to do.  "You can combine yesterdays as fond memories and tomorrow as lucid dreams" and "The Profile" by immortal poet Khalil Jibran.  Philosophy, however, cannot be satisfied unless it can do what it wants to do and do. 

 One thing has to be borne in mind.  Man does not have the speed and ability to do everything.  So we have to find a way to make life satisfying by using our time to flee.  Listen to the old generation;  The time was right.  Well, as many of us can remember, there was a time in the past when we had little or no time for anything.  Those in charge of the day had a routine of writing, checking and doing things.  It was not to make time;  In order to be forgotten.  That is not the case today.  From children to adults.  24 hours is nothing.  There are many who go along with the hesitancy of not getting together.  The current problem is not forgetting what needs to be done;  Many things have to be forgotten.  Many have to schedule their daily routines strictly in front of targets, goals and deadlines.  There are many things that should not be missed when they are trying their best to meet those schedules.  These include the quiet flow of life, the indispensable warm moments of personal relationships, and the fundamental right to private interests.  Running With Clockwork   When we realize that our life is nearing the finish line, we need to stop for a moment and pay attention to the implication that this is so.  How do we go about spending time?  Or let's see how our day-to-day lives go.  Our daily activities can be grouped into four categories: * urgent and vital * not immediate;  But let's take a closer look at what we are doing, from the start of the day to the night's sleep. 

 A significant part of our society is spending money on emergencies that require immediate intervention.  If properly analyzed, it can be seen that most of them are useless, even hoaxes.  We see that we spend very little of our time on ourselves.  Most of what we spend for ourselves falls into the latter category.  That is, in the case of non-essential but essential matters.  These fall into the category of strengthening interpersonal bonds, home preparations for physical and intellectual mental health, and planning.  Our every moment will be fruitful and our lives will be perfect, if we try to correct the irrelevant things that compromise our time and practice the will of God.  Issues, crises, deadline projects, etc. are examples of the first category.  These things will follow us uninterruptedly, one after the other. We will lose our lives.  The results of the second category of actions, however, are dicey and lifelong.  If you can devote more time to such activities, the first category of emergencies will decrease.  This is because planning and planning are possible.  Time management does not mean maximizing time.  Prioritize the things that are of paramount importance in life.  This requires a clear understanding of one's personal interests and foresight about life.  It requires a proper insight and analysis of one's own interests.

  A strong and bright conscience must prevail.  In the light of this, life should be focused on values ​​and interests that are conducive to progress.  We must take the basic stance that all small and large movements of the roadway are suddenly reversed.  There is no point in taking a negative view of the situation as it goes forward with a clear goal or vision and a determination to achieve them.  It is best to plan ahead for a week's time when you can afford to live. Yes.  When we make plans that give equal importance to all of our roles in life, we can succeed in all areas and move forward with satisfaction.  This self-esteem will inspire more and more useful things.  Our roles can be categorized into individual, family, official, social, friendship and spiritual.  You can prioritize each level within a week.  When you start each day, you can think about the major tasks of the day.  It is this strong lifestyle that has brought about huge and successful changes in our lives.  Another fallacy is the inability of the participants to participate in the activities, such as the inability to be tolerant of matters.

  It is unhealthy to have to do everything yourself and how hard you work.  Teamwork that recognizes, assists, encourages and encourages each other is essential to achieving successful goals quickly and effortlessly.  The third and fourth category of actions are the ones that lead us into sloth, ignoring our invaluable life course.  They have to be identified and discarded.  Recreations are in the second category.  However, most of the entertainment that we are tempted to laugh at is always time-consuming.  Care should be taken to clear them away and to allocate a portion of the equity to those that are acceptable.  If the "theme" of the mind is able to transform itself into a pleasurable sense of humor, life will be enjoyable, both personally and socially.

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