
Masturbation touching Your own genitals for self pressure is it really good well about 95% of the man and 86% of the women do it so it has to be good right but what about all those rumors that it is unhealthy can cause blindness and even infertility.


 Are this really true well a recent survey actually found out that people in a healthy relationship masturbate more often than that of single people and why shouldn't in fact. It feels good but why is it so during masturbation dopamine get released which triggers the pleasure and reward centers which in return makes you feel so good and it also help the body to reduce the stress and Endorphin is also released which help the body to reduce pain this is especially god for women as polishing your pearl will help you reduce those Peniston cramps and of course with the release of the hormone prolactin which is directly linked to sleep you are likely to feel exhausted and catch that much needed easy one study also found out that component of your image system gets activated during masturbation that increases the number of white blood cells you but still many people believe masturbation is simply a waste of energy and female, men however in reality.

Masturbation is a female strategy to improve thee fitness of  their sperm as you know sperm have a higher chance of insemination not only that but masturbation can actually improve your sexual  performance as many researchers claim it to be a workout for your sexual muscle.

Although masturbation has a lot of benefits using the same technique each and every could actually lead to decrease in sexual arousal so just make sure you mix it up and be open to trying new things to conclude masturbation is a very healthy and safe activity so light up those candles put on some music give yourself a nice good night.


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