Digital Marketing Tutorial -1

 Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has become one of the foremost commonly used phrases lately. Although it’s easily utilized in a sentence, very often it's not defined accurately. for a few, it’s a synonym for “Internet Marketing” while others describe it as marketing using electronic devices.

Digital Marketing Tutorial -1

So let’s understand what exactly is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing may be a term defined to realize your business objectives and goals using the online channels that include but aren't limited to look engines, social media platforms, content creation & advertising to teach, engage & market your product or service to potential buyers. Just a decade ago, if a business wanted to succeed in bent target customers they might promote using traditional marketing mediums like TV, radio, print. just because that’s where the potential customers want to spend their time. However, as humans evolved our technology advanced giving rise to a digital revolution. to easily state, people started spending longer on online platforms like Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc to remain familiar with the news, entertainment, and commerce. Hence, today our lives run on a click. But does that mean TV, print, radio don’t work anymore? No, not at all! We cannot say that traditional marketing efforts don't have any impact. Rather, it goes hand in hand with digital marketing and therefore the distribution has evened out.

Digital has become a neighborhood of our existence. From shopping apparel to groceries, furniture & getting laundry delivered everything is online. With this new shift, marketers didn't waste anytime and quickly adapted to use social media & other digital tools to push & pull the consumer, giving birth to Digital marketing.

But how to achieve your business or individual objectives using Digital/Internet channels?

No matter the size of your business, digital marketing is the most effective way to grow and achieve your goals which could vary from any of the following:

   Increase revenue
 • Build brand awareness 
• Market your product or service 
• Decrease cost 
• Improve efficiency 
• Increase productivity 
• High return on investment 
• Identify loyal customers

Apart from these business objectives, digital channels can be used effectively for

• Educating & engaging with potential users
 • Increase website traffic 
• Providing valuable information 
• Building trust 
• Customer reviews 
• Grow online community

Now let’s look at various Digital Marketing Tools


It is imperative within the digital age to have an internet site. If you're a business owner and don’t have an internet site you lose on the market opportunity. the knowledge on an internet site helps in communicating to the customer about the merchandise & overall business credibility. believe it, any customer will do basic research before making a sale, hence having a user-friendly and informative site is that the initiative in showcasing your authenticity. Through digital marketing, you'll find out how to style an economical website, generate traffic, list your website on directories and search engines.

Through digital marketing, you'll find out how to style a price-effective website, generate traffic, list your website on directories and search engines. The basic rule is to style an internet site that's user-friendly, mobile-friendly, and loads quickly. Here’s a link where you'll check if your website is mobile-friendly:


A user uses the web to seem for various sorts of queries. A search result may vary as per the keywords employed by the searcher. Search engines like Google have various ways and formats of showcasing results. As business owners, it's our responsibility to utilize the tools provided by search engines and present content to urge the simplest possible outcome

But how do these results appear? What happens at the back end? To understand this, we need to understand SEO—Search Engine Optimization

SEO may be a system of generating traffic to your website through organic search. it's the result that appears when an internet site is optimized at the rear end using the proper keywords. This helps the program to showcase the simplest possible result to a user. the foremost important factor to remember about SEO is that it's “organic” or “free”. When a user runs a question on Google, the results mentioned on the page are a mixture of website, blog, video, image, news depending on the keyword used

There are 5 main types of SEO that we need to know:


On the page, because the name suggests, is completed for your own website pages. When you are creating an internet site, the info and technical aspects are completely in your control. For e.g: Blogs, personal website pages are optimized by following the proper guidelines creating a user-friendly website, rich content with relevant keywords. All this may help in ranking your website on top search result

Off-page or Off-site SEO is completed through an external link. This basically implies, your website will rank better on the search page if the traffic is generated through other sources than your website. For example—Social media links, features/mentions/links from a better traffic website. For ex—If Times of India gives a link to your website.


Data is simply not text. On SERP, we see information within the sort of video, images, text & audio (VITA). Universal or blended SEO may be a practice to optimize VITA to get maximum weightage and better ranking. a couple of good practices are keyword-rich content, quality title & description, crisp URL, etc


Local SEO is completed to market your business in a local area. If your business has multiple branches or maybe if it’s a little business/service it's essential to supply your address/location, telephone number, timings, etc. the thought is to form the user connect together with your business easily and effectively


This is the foremost important type in SEO. generally, the above practices are done to get rich content that will rank on SERP. But in technical, SEO is advanced. This means the info on your website should be interpreted easily by program crawlers. The goal here is to upgrade the framework of your site to enhance ranking on SERP

Search Advertisement

Traditionally, as a business, if you wanted to succeed in bent a wider audience you'll place ads in newspapers, broadcast on TV/radio, use direct mailing or telemarketing. of these options required huge budgets as they're expensive. it had been difficult for startups or small business owners to use most of those mediums. But advertising within the digital age world has changed rapidly & has become cost-efficient. Online marketing consists of two main sorts of advertising.

1.  Search Engine Advertising/Marketing:

Search advertising aka PPC (pay per click) basically asks for text ads that are showcased on program pages. The results appear due to the keywords employed by the searcher. Hence, it’s essential to use a minimum of 12–15 important keywords in your ad. so as to advertise on the program, you'll need an Adwords account which may be a very easy tool provided by Google.

2. Display Advertising:

This is one of the foremost common sorts of ads you would possibly have come across while browsing. It might be during a video or image format and is essentially based upon user behavior. For eg—You’re planning a vacation and need to book tickets on the Make My Trip/ website. However, for a few reasons, you didn’t make the acquisition and shut the website. The next time you log in to any website like Facebook/Youtube the precise same product/service will be flashed on your screen this is one among the foremost common sort of ads you would possibly have come across while browsing. It might be during a video or image format and is essentially based upon user behavior. For eg—You’re planning a vacation and need to book tickets on the Make My Trip/ website. However, for a few reasons, you didn’t make the acquisition and shut the website. The next time you log in to any website like Facebook/Youtube the precise same product/service will be flashed on your screen

Advantages of Digital Marketing:

It is no surprise that more and more people are devoting their time online to transact or research. consistent with a report by Forbes, about 82% of consumers research online. Marketers today are applying digital marketing tactics to succeed into the consumers & here’s why you ought to use digital marketing for your business too

  • Cost-Effective:
Digital marketing is economical and best thanks to promoting your business as compared to traditional marketing. With a limited budget, you'll create content & start your campaign. it's you who decides the budget which may even start from something as low as Rs.50/- counting on your business

  • Real-time results
The moment your ad is live, you'll view the performance. Additionally, edits are often wiped out in real-time. In this manner, you'll understand things and take necessary action

  • PPC
PPC stands for Pay Per Click. it's a model where the advertiser pays the publisher each time their ad is clicked. Google Ads is that the best and easiest platform for PPC

  • Targeting

In the case of traditional marketing, there are no thanks to determining the amount and the type of individuals who saw your billboard. With digital marketing, it's tough to focus on audience supported their interest, location, behavior, etc. you'll create an audience supported by your business model and push your ad to the proper consumers.

TO BE CONTINUED....................

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