What is Sexual Transmutation

What Is Sex Transmutation?

 In the 1937 self-help classic “Think and Grow Rich”, author Napoleon Hill coined the term “sex transmutation” to elucidate how the sexual drive is often mastered by “the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of another nature”. consistent with Hill, “when driven by [sex] desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, willpower, persistence, and artistic ability unknown to them at other times.” He adds, “When harnessed and redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc., which can be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or the other professional calling, including, the buildup of riches.” 

In his book “The Self-Actualization Manifesto”, author Scott Jeffrey defines sex transmutation as “the process of converting sexual energy into another drive, motivation, or energy of a better order.” Like Hill and Jeffrey, Taoist practitioners have long understood the advantages of redirecting lustful psychic energy far away from the physical to the metaphysical plane. The Taoists compare sexual energy to fireside, which is both an ingenious force and potentially destructive force.

 They believe that sexual drive is mental energy that’s most potent in latency, when it exists as “passion” within the mind, and hasn’t yet been spent in orgasm. consistent with Taoist master Mantak Chia, sex energy, when controlled and properly used, becomes an aid within the spiritual pursuit of enlightenment. Chia even went as far on encourage men to possess sex without ejaculating to accentuate the experience without expending precious qi or vital force. within the Taoist text “The Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress”, author Hsi Lai teaches women to require a more restrained approach to sexual activity to take care of their health and youth. So, if your sexual obsessions are bringing you more grief than good, perhaps rechanneling your lust can assist you to live a calmer, more peaceful, and purposeful life. Here’s the way to redirect the “keenness of imagination, courage, willpower, persistence, and artistic ability” that Hill speaks of from your sexual life to your professional and artistic life.

What is Sexual Transmutation

How To Transmute Sexual Energy
The word transmute simply means to convert from one form to a different. Transmuting your sexual energy, at its most potent form, involves abstaining from all sexual intercourse or content, whether it's sex, masturbation, or pornography, and harnessing this energy for other endeavors. You must understand that transmuting sexual energy has nothing to try to do with repressing or fighting this energy, which is unwise and not advisable. Trying to repress this energy will only cause frustration.

How to Channel your sexual energy towards your goals and artistic pursuits is the key.

Energy can't be destroyed. within the case of men, when semen is retained, it's absorbed back to the body to nourish the upper energy centers (chakras), systema nervosum, and therefore the brain. While undertaking the method of transmuting your sexual energy, it's highly recommended to enrich it with the practice of daily meditation and physical exercise/yoga. Doing this may make sure that the sexual energy circulates upwards, and doesn't remain to target the sex chakra/ genitals during which case sexual urges can get stronger.

Some other practices for raising and circulating the sexual energy upwards include,

  • Deep Breathing Techniques
  • Yogic Techniques
  • Microcosmic Orbit
  • Visualization

Why Sexual Energy Is Powerful And Precious
To understand what makes sexual energy powerful, it requires one to know Prana. The ancient cultures of the East recognized a subtle invisible sort of energy that permeates all things in nature. it had been mentioned as Prana in India, Chi by the Chinese culture, and Ki by the Japanese. In English, this energy is translated as life-force energy. Prana provides us with energy and nourishment and is present within the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. In our body, it's present in its most concentrated form in men’s semen and women’s menorrhea. In Ayurveda, one drop of semen is claimed to be made up of 40 drops of blood. it's considered because of the end of the food digestion cycle. Similarly, Tibetan medicine says that it takes one cup of the vital essence of blood to supply one drop of the vital essence of semen.” Western medicine says that Semen has over 200 different proteins, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It’s a chest of nutrients that the body and mind got to perform at their best. By this measure, semen is even more precious than blood!

The NoFap Movement
Today, because of the NoFap community on the web, an increasing number of individuals are getting conscious of the facility of their sexual energy. In 2011, Alexander Rhodes, a young programmer in the U.S.A, found a study on the website Reddit which revealed that men who avoided masturbation for seven days experienced a forty-five .7% spike in testosterone levels on the seventh day. He decided to abstain from all sexual intercourse for a period and began noticing considerable changes in his life. He founded the NoFap community to encourage others to try an equivalent. Today the NoFap has quite 450,000 members, with 5% of its members being women. Some of the advantages most ordinarily reported by its members and ones I’ve experienced myself include:
The Benefits of Sexual Transmutation

  • Increased energy

  • Improved mood

  • Increase in motivation

  • Boost in confidence and courage

  • More willpower

  • More focus and mental clarity

  • Enhanced creativity

  • Enhanced self-awareness

  • Increase in testosterone (for men)

  • Better self-control and discipline

  • Deeper meditations

  • Better singing voice (not kidding about this one)

  • Increased energy

  • Improved mood

  • Increase in motivation

  • Boost in confidence and courage

  • More willpower

  • More focus and mental clarity

  • Enhanced creativity

  • Enhanced self-awareness

  • Increase in testosterone (for men)

  • Better self-control and discipline

  • Deeper meditations

  • Better singing voice (not kidding about this one)

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