How to program your subconscious mind as Auto pilot Mode

The Human brain  sometimes have difficulty in programming what you want to manifest because of the reality you currently seen in front of you. how many times a day does average person allow themselves to get into the vibration of being what they really want to be due to external noise for most the reality of everyday life is the dominant information stream that has worked with which in turn keep it as the existance that is experienced however that is a program behind the scene remains in the subconscious mind so that it work to manifest what you want even when you are not conscious   focused on three things in psychology and neuro science there is recognition of what is known as spatial memory within the mind.

Spatial memory is the part of memory responsible for recording information about one's environment and spatial orientation their memory runs almost purely in subconscious patterning once establish what their means in a large part of your mental power is decided to learn learning the layout of your environment and retry environmental markers for instance you can recall the location of hundred of different spots around the city without having to know the location.the brain can also remember the location of thousands of items around the home for example if a friend were ask you for a glass to drink or a screw driver to fix something or a towel to dry their hands. you will mist likely have answer due to the spatial memory that you have the one's of your mind built in cheat codes that can be used to manifest more of which you want from life.

Use the power following exercise to supercharge how your mind relates to and memorize the desire number one pick a familiar place e that you  know well and can image without much of problem for example the inside of your house, your office building  a favorite park or even the layout of your neighborhood.

Number two imagine the specific path in this place that you know so well take the time to get a vivid account of you moving through this environment recalling everything you know about it. Number three think of something you want to manufacture for yourself for example this exercise works particullarly well with attaracting abundence begin to imagine hundred dollar bells scattered  down your sidewall and drive way or see your kith counter is being made up of money replace all the window in your neighbor's home with hundred dollar see the leaves on the tree, bills of money and the ground as coins within the environment you choose to use replace normal everyday items with your intended manifestation. if you drive something other thn money and you leave a difficult time coming with an image to relate to it you can use words to set a trigger for your mind for instance if you are intended in alternate relationship place words " I am in the best relationship  and i am in love  or any words that reconnect with you in two specific place in your environment you are a bill board that you see everyday or put it as the tittle of magazine that on your coffee lache or place it as the label on food in your pantry.

The main consideration is let you imagination do the hardwork for you the more absorbed and noticeable the image is over it will be for the subconscious mind to it a new marker this technique is after used by memory champions to program their mind because it does not take years of practise to accomplish the result in fact it work quite quickly. they call it creating a memory procedure. this is because the subconscious mind associate what they program in their environment as something tangable. it release as real with this excercise you are connecting with you desire with  locate that the brain is familiar and    comfortable with being that you mind understand spatial memory in such a dynamic way people remember that your mind understand spatial memory.

In such a dynamic way people remember that your object is there even if you do not physically see it yet create a subconscious environment marked that runs in the background. it simply forces the spatial memory part of the brain to recall what you want automatically and believe in validity of it in other words it will relate that your environment and go to world to create it for you with this type of it is very relavent and simply. Allow the mind to manifest what you want.  

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